A new look!
April 20, 2015 | Posted in Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
I’m in between projects now, so I took the time to update our web presence. Facebook, Twitter, our eBay store, the website, even this blog…everything. It was long overdue, and well worth the time I spent teaching myself the skills to do so. (Paying someone to complete the work for me would have cost at least a few hundred dollars.)
I like it!
I am ready for Spring. Who is with me?
March 4, 2015 | Posted in Shop Time | By fastwrecks
My secondary storage area has been impassable for a while now because of all the snow. The end result is…I have waaaaay too much stuff in my hair here at the moment. (I am not kidding…I’ve been running sales to clear out entire racks on shelves. Even with two new large shelves!) In fact, I’ve also been going through the older inventory and creating fresh new listings with new pictures
Fortunately, I was able to clear out enough space to work on this 2001 Oldsmobile Alero we got just recently. It’s unofficially for sale at the moment. I’m still working on a few things (nothing major) before advertising it. Including washing it….indoors.
That’s all for now. In anticipation of some new projects coming up, I’ve been doing some pre-spring cleaning of some old listings, our website, and some other general maintenance stuff. It’s good to have a relative lull in the action sometimes.
Road Salt: 1, Corvette: 0
March 29, 2012 | Posted in Corvettes | By fastwrecks
This is what road salt can do to a car. This was the 1984 we were planning to put back together – Not anymore. I tried to lift the car from the side frame rail and kept hearing crackling. So, I slid the jack underneath the rear end and found….Large quantities of rust. Ugh.
I dug deeper and found even more rust. I was in the process of removing plastic panels to have the car painted. That is when I found rust holes so big that I could stick my fist through. I cannot in good conscience sell this as a running car with as much structural damage as it has, and fully restoring it is out of our budget.
So….This one is going to be parted out and sold on eBay. It runs great, in fact, I have blogged several times about taking it for a drive in our parking lot. It has the original Crossfire motor, manual transmission, PCM, and new headers we recently bought. We don’t have much of the interior for it, except for carpets and some smaller trim pieces. It has the complete Dana 44 rear end. The glass hatch is in great shape and we have new struts for it. We have some wiring harnesses from a 1986 and a 1987 Corvette that we were going to use to splice in where there were sections missing. Plus, there is much more. The hood is in great shape, plus we have a new hood release kit we bought for it. Contact us at fastwrecks@gmail.com before we put it on eBay if you are interested in anything. We do ship overseas, and have sent quite a few pieces to the United Kingdom and Australia.
Parts cars and other adventures
February 14, 2012 | Posted in Corvettes | By fastwrecks
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Now that we got the ’84 situated in our shop, shipped out an RX-7 engine+transmission, and rearranged our garage, we’re ready to pick up our next car…or rather, part of a car. Having a break from one or both of us being sick has helped – it’s been a real circus on that front since Christmastime. It’s a 1986 Corvette from the firewall back. It has a lot of the interior parts we need for our ’84, plus we can sell the extra parts, so it’s a win all-around for us.
When *not* doing car stuff, I have been building websites. It’s one of my other talents, although practicing my skills *outside* the corporate world is much more rewarding. Check out the following:
The Wistful Cafe
Rusty Nuts Auto Recycling
B&B Recycling
I also am in the process of giving our own website a makeover. I’ve started on our Sports Car Salvage homepage and have done some work on our eBay store. Then, I will be updating our blog. Fun stuff. 🙂 It’s been nice to catch up on nerd stuff 🙂
We sold the 1982 RX-7 that we’d had for sale for a while. The people who bought it had an awful time with their rented car dolly. Fortunately, they were able to drive it home without any major problems after the ratchet straps on the dolly kept coming undone. I feel for them, because we have had some pretty hairy travel stories, many of which are due to equipment failures or just plain crappy supplies.
Summit Racing Gift Card Giveaway
December 13, 2011 | Posted in Facebook | By fastwrecks
I hope everyone is having a great holiday season so far.
If you follow our Sports Car Salvage Facebook page, you may have seen that we will be giving away two $50 Summit Racing gift cards to two lucky Facebook friends chosen at random. Right now, we have 290 fans and counting.
We would like to thank our fans and customers for supporting us over the past year. It’s been a fun yet challenging time of getting things up and running, and we would like to share some of the fruits of our labor. We’ve also been fortunate enough to buy Christmas gifts for families in our local community.
Looking forward to 2012 and the adventures it will bring!
(Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.)
Preparing for the holidays
November 27, 2011 | Posted in Family, Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
The holiday season is upon us. We’ll still be at the garage, but will be slowing things down a bit until after the 1st of the year. (Don’t worry, Sports Car Salvage is not going ANYWHERE!)
It’s important to spend time with family this Christmas. Last year, we were faced with a family member’s battle with lung cancer, which ended on December 22nd, 2010, after contracting MRSA pneumonia. Our LilBear had come up on the morning of the 22nd from her mother’s house to stay with us for her Christmas break, and losing her grandfather was a huge blow for her.
Now that the business is growing, and we’re not dealing with any illness, death, or relocation, we can make this holiday much nicer for her. We have some trips planned on her weekend visits (like the Polar Express!) plus she will be with us for a couple of weeks until school starts back up.

We also plan on participating in some Christmas activities in the community. Some of these are our typical gift-giving to local churches for children in need and the like. Some of the others….well, those are a surprise and I can’t spill the beans yet.
But don’t fret, because we will still be active in the business. I’m aiming to do more administrative-type stuff that I can complete from my home office during that time. While digging out Christmas decorations and the like, I found some interesting miscellaneous stuff that I can list on eBay. Plus, I plan on working more on the Internet marketing side of things. Long story short, I plan on dedicating the same amount of time to the business – just focusing on different areas.
Sportscarsalvage.com? Not for $4K.
October 4, 2011 | Posted in Humor, Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
We registered SportsCarSalvage.us as our domain earlier this year. So, a week or so ago, we got the idea to check if the similarly-named SportsCarSalvage.com was available. I submitted an inquiry via BuyDomains.com.
I received a phone call this afternoon from Amber at BuyDomains.com, wanting to follow up about my inquiry. Mind you, we had already done some homework through GoDaddy.com and it said it would cost almost $4,000 for the domain. $4,000? We are a small company and could buy multiple project cars for that kind of money.
But don’t dare explain THAT to Miss Amber.
She called and asked if I had received her email about the domain cost. I thought it may be cheaper to go through BuyDomains.com, who actually owns SportsCarSalvage.com, but that was not the case. When I calmly explained that the domain was well out of my price range and expressed what my price range actually was, she switched from professional Ms. Jekyll to huffy Valley Girl Ms. Hyde. Her response? “Like, OOOOO-KAY, [mumble something unintelligible but sounded nasty]…*click.*”
Really? REALLY? If I got THAT worked up every time somebody wanted to buy something for much less than its list price, I would have died of a stroke by now. You’d think she was one of these indignant people on Pawn Stars who end up in a tizzy when they don’t get the offer they want. It happens when you are in the business of buying and selling…in other news, the sky is blue, the grass is green, and we all know what bears do in the woods.
Extreme Makeover Ebay Edition
March 13, 2011 | Posted in Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
After making some changes to our SportsCarSalvage eBay store and terms and conditions, we decided it was time to update the listings. Not only will all of our new listings have a fresh new look, but they will also link to our updated eBay terms and conditions page.
But wait, there’s more! Check out our latest updates to the SportsCarSalvage Facebook page and our company website.