Preparing for the holidays
November 27, 2011 | Posted in Family, Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
The holiday season is upon us. We’ll still be at the garage, but will be slowing things down a bit until after the 1st of the year. (Don’t worry, Sports Car Salvage is not going ANYWHERE!)
It’s important to spend time with family this Christmas. Last year, we were faced with a family member’s battle with lung cancer, which ended on December 22nd, 2010, after contracting MRSA pneumonia. Our LilBear had come up on the morning of the 22nd from her mother’s house to stay with us for her Christmas break, and losing her grandfather was a huge blow for her.
Now that the business is growing, and we’re not dealing with any illness, death, or relocation, we can make this holiday much nicer for her. We have some trips planned on her weekend visits (like the Polar Express!) plus she will be with us for a couple of weeks until school starts back up.

We also plan on participating in some Christmas activities in the community. Some of these are our typical gift-giving to local churches for children in need and the like. Some of the others….well, those are a surprise and I can’t spill the beans yet.
But don’t fret, because we will still be active in the business. I’m aiming to do more administrative-type stuff that I can complete from my home office during that time. While digging out Christmas decorations and the like, I found some interesting miscellaneous stuff that I can list on eBay. Plus, I plan on working more on the Internet marketing side of things. Long story short, I plan on dedicating the same amount of time to the business – just focusing on different areas.
Yellow Ribbon Fund: Why We Donate
October 30, 2011 | Posted in Family | By fastwrecks
For those of you that follow our Sports Car Salvage eBay store, you may have noticed that a select number of our eBay listings donate a portion of the proceeds to the Yellow Ribbon Fund through eBay’s Giving Works.
Yellow Ribbon Fund, founded in 2005, assists injured service members and their families. The mission began when the organization’s volunteers learned of needs not met by other donors. Yellow Ribbon Fund provides transportation, lodging, job mentoring, and assistance for families and caregivers. We at Sports Car Salvage chose this organization because we have friends and family who have served in the military, some of whom have been badly injured in the line of duty. We believe there should be no such thing as a “Homeless Veteran” in the United States. Unfortunately, have seen too many service members who bravely served but are marginalized by society after being injured.
I, for one, am especially pleased that Yellow Ribbon Fund assists family members and caregivers of wounded service members. Family caregivers encounter many obstacles on the road to recovery. Financial costs include dipping into savings, opting for a part-time job or leaving the workforce altogether, and incurring hefty medical bills. The emotional costs are harder to quantify, but still as significant – depression and anxiety, for one. YRF’s Family Caregiver program aims to acknowledge the value of family members and caregivers.
To learn more, check out today.
Time for a little slow-down…
March 10, 2011 | Posted in Family, Humor, Travel Stories | By fastwrecks
After burning up the miles between Akron and Rochester Hills, MI, including a lovely trip down Telegraph Road (US 24) through the western suburbs of the Big Daytwa, we’re going to take a few days to have our munchkin up from her mother’s place in Dayton.
Lil Bear helps around the shop, swings a mean broom, and thinks all cars should be Barbie Pink (she’s 8.something,) and gets emotionally attached to cars. In other words, a little car princess. 🙂
So it’s gonna be a chill-out, visit, enjoy loved ones kinda-weekend. We hope you get the chance to do the same!
After the nerve-wracking trip down to Columbus and back to get her, that is. O_O