Chevrolet Corvette Items For Sale

August 21, 2018 | Posted in Corvettes, Parts Cars, update | By fastwrecks
Just a quick note, we’re adding items for Chevrolet Corvette daily in our eBay store. Many hard to find and highly desirable parts are going up for sale! Just a few examples in the photo below, hope you’re having a great day!
Some of these are leftover donors from our project car.
Spring and Status and Stuff

February 24, 2018 | Posted in 1989 Chrysler LeBaron Turbo, Family, Parts Cars, Shop Time, update | By fastwrecks
We know we promised the Chrysler LeBaron parts would be appearing on our eBay store soon, but we had a bit of a farm emergency in that Stormy, our 3 months out Boer buckling, developed pneumonia. We had almost a week of providing care for him including antibiotic and vitamin B complex injections, and close monitoring of him. We actually had him in the house and at the workshop with us for most of the last week. He’s made a great recovery and we’re now starting some deeper work around the shop to get ready to part out that LeBaron.
We’ll be taking a couple of days to tear down some old Mustang and other doors we have to post those parts online and clear out the shells, do a bit more cleaning and reorganizing of our workshop and then we should be pulling the LeBaron in by Tuesday to part it out. It has a strong running 2.2 turbo and builds solid boost, so if you need one, get in touch with us. You get a much better price buying direct versus waiting for it to be posted online.
Beyond that the goal is to get that torn down quickly, get the parts online, and get up to a pace of one car a month for the rest of 2018. Make sure you’re following us on Facebook @sportscarsalvage and on Twitter @fastwrecks for updates!
Think Spring!
What’s happening?
October 22, 2016 | Posted in Family, Humor, Shop Time | By fastwrecks
In short, a lot.
You may have noticed that I haven’t written a blog post since April. Much has happened since then.
We got the second load of Porsche 914 parts in May, which I am still working my way through. There are still a few things to retrieve (mostly glass) but, for the most part, it’s in my workshop. I have seats, gauges, interior parts, assorted relays and modules, steering parts, a transmission, and much more. Visit our eBay store to see what we currently have listed. There is more being listed every day.
In June, we got two more goats. Tiara and Thompson were born in March of this year. They are Kinder goats (a cross between pygmy and Nubian goats) and are, of course, extremely adorable. Tiara will be old enough to breed next Fall. Thompson is her brother. We adopted them both so they could pal around together – Goats tend to pair up and we figured it would be good for them to have a similar age/size companion.

Thompson and Tiara, our Kinder goats.
July and August brought lots of gardening and outdoor adventures. We even started a new Facebook page to showcase our homestead adventures:
Our nearly 1000 square foot garden was planted with mostly tomatoes for canning. This was the first summer that we had the goats, so mowing the yard was just a run of the mill chore, not an all-day project like last year. 2 acres is a LOT to mow and weed eat. When it wasn’t too hot to be at my workshop, we waded our way through Porsche 914 parts, tinkered with our 1985 Mercury Capri, and took in a few valuable consignment items. Our friends at AutoInterests had some assorted Mustang, Taurus SHO, and Jeep parts that they consigned to us to sell. You can find them in our Assorted New and Used Auto Parts category on eBay.
September was warmer than normal, so we enjoyed our swimming through the end of the month, more gardening, canning, and of course, garage time. Around this time, we started expanding our fenced area at home in anticipation of (surprise, surprise!) two more goats. They arrived at our farm a couple of weeks ago. Elliott is a 100% ABGA registered purebred Boer buck and his companion Blondie is a Boer/Alpine cross. He dwarfs all of the other goats at approximately 200#.

Our two newest goats!

The big E trying to look innocent.
That’s our past few months in brief. Here in the next few days, we will be receiving a Ford Escape to look at, plus I have been perusing our collection of automotive magazines and listing them in amongst the other parts. 2016 has been a very productive year for us all around and I hope to continue the trend.
Porsche 914 parts…..everywhere!
February 5, 2016 | Posted in Porsche | By fastwrecks
The Toyota 4Runner shell left this garage a little bit before Christmas. It wasn’t too long after that that we acquired several new large shelves on wheels. I was able to do some serious organizing and consolidating. I present to you Exhibit A, the empty and clean garage bay.
No better time for something completely new to come together, right? We’d finalized a deal to pick up a large lot of Porsche 914 parts shortly after acquiring the 4Runner. The Porsche 914 was a 1970s two-seater roadster made collaboratively by VW and Porsche. Here is an example of what it looks like in nice, running, restored shape. (This is not mine, by the way.)
Here is an example of what they look like apart:
Our most recent Sunday started very early, before the sun came up. I was greeted at our gate by 4 very confused goats who are used to getting their food, water, and goatly love mid-morning. The rest of our day consisted of traveling, loading the truck and trailer, finding a bite to eat, and locating a hotel for the night before heading back Monday morning. The above array of totes and piles of parts filled our truck bed plus a small trailer. Remember the nice clean garage bay from earlier? It is now nearly full. We picked these up this past weekend and have begun listing them on eBay. Believe it or not, this is only a fraction of the parts and there are at least 2 more loads this size. A lot of the parts aren’t made anymore, so what is still in circulation is popular with collectors and restorers. Once I’ve organized, catalogued, and listed what we have, it will be time to get the rest. What a great start to 2016!
A new look!
April 20, 2015 | Posted in Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
I’m in between projects now, so I took the time to update our web presence. Facebook, Twitter, our eBay store, the website, even this blog…everything. It was long overdue, and well worth the time I spent teaching myself the skills to do so. (Paying someone to complete the work for me would have cost at least a few hundred dollars.)
I like it!
I am ready for Spring. Who is with me?
March 4, 2015 | Posted in Shop Time | By fastwrecks
My secondary storage area has been impassable for a while now because of all the snow. The end result is…I have waaaaay too much stuff in my hair here at the moment. (I am not kidding…I’ve been running sales to clear out entire racks on shelves. Even with two new large shelves!) In fact, I’ve also been going through the older inventory and creating fresh new listings with new pictures
Fortunately, I was able to clear out enough space to work on this 2001 Oldsmobile Alero we got just recently. It’s unofficially for sale at the moment. I’m still working on a few things (nothing major) before advertising it. Including washing it….indoors.
That’s all for now. In anticipation of some new projects coming up, I’ve been doing some pre-spring cleaning of some old listings, our website, and some other general maintenance stuff. It’s good to have a relative lull in the action sometimes.
More of those funny looking sports cars!
September 13, 2014 | Posted in Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
We parted out a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee. It was our daily driver, so we know it’s been well maintained. Rather than trading it in and losing money, we determined that it was worth more as parts. So, doing what I do best, this Jeep will help finance our recent truck buy. It’s a Ford F250 and is much more suitable to our business needs (hauling large loads, towing, etc.) than the Jeep was.
Many of the parts are still available. They are listed locally and in our eBay store.
As always, local pickup is available by appointment – just give us a day’s notice. We can be available almost any time.
Ooh, Shiny!
April 9, 2014 | Posted in Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
It’s been almost a month since we got the first of several pallets of Rolls-Royce and Bentley items from the Rolls-Royce Foundation. If you see our previous blog post , you will see the literal TON of magazines, newsletters, and assorted car parts. Those items are still in the process of being listed in our eBay store .
Before that, we had dealt with the occasional onesie-twosie consignment item or co-op on selling a handful of parts. The floodgates of Heaven have now been opened. Some people offer us the chance to buy assorted lots of automotive items for resale. One person’s pain in the behind is our treasure.
We like having the oddball stuff and the finishing touches in stock. Many times, we have customers who have been looking for months (sometimes years) for the exact right thing. Fewer things are more irritating than a project that is 99% done.
Hence, the recent collection of car emblems and badges we’ve listed in our eBay store .
Part number cross references, my ever-present tape measure, and some elbow grease/polishing will come in handy for the right buyers.
Almost there!
January 22, 2013 | Posted in Mustangs, Shipping, Shop Time | By fastwrecks
We’re almost at 500 positive feedbacks on eBay… At 492, we are so close, yet so far away. Our latest customer bought a PT Cruiser part all the way from Australia! (I promise not to demand koala pictures as payment.)
I finally had a chance to dig into the ’85 Capri to see what was there. It was a project that the person we had bought it from started and then ran out of time and money. Sure enough, 99% of the pieces parts we need are already in there, from interior trim to nuts and bolts and the elusive timing cover. Whew! This is a pleasant surprise. I’ve been working on some Internet marketing stuff over the past few days, but the free heat at the shop is tempting me over there. Especially because it’s going to be in the single digits tomorrow again.
I had the chance to discuss entrepreneurship in one of my class assignments. One of our resources was the Entrenpreneur Equation workshop by Carol Roth. She puts to rest a lot of the myths about entrepreneurship. Let’s just say that if it were as fun, easy, and glamorous as it’s put out there to be, there would be a lot more of us around 🙂 Be your own boss? Sometimes, you have to be your own janitor or exterminator. I can tell you with certainty that nobody – not even the most dedicated gearhead who watches every car-related TV show – loves diamond-in-the-rough barn finds like spiders do. Well, maybe stinging insects run a close second. I joke that the garage decorates itself for Halloween.
Happy 2013!
January 2, 2013 | Posted in Corvettes | By fastwrecks
Happy new year from the folks at!
Now that we are all over the death virus and have wrapped up the Christmas festivities, I’ve been busy pulling parts off of a 1974 C3 Corvette donor car. What we don’t use for our 1977 restoration project will be listed on eBay here: in the “1974 C3 Corvette” category. Let’s just say that I bought the donor car for what I would have paid for two complete headlight assemblies.
We had our Summit Racing gift card giveaway when our Facebook page reached 500 ‘Likes’ last month. Congrats to Jessica Posa for winning the $50 gift card! When we reach 1000 ‘Likes,’ we will give away a $100 Summit Racing gift card. Like us on Facebook for a chance of winning.