It’s almost the New Year
December 30, 2011 | Posted in Helpful Tips, Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
As the new year approaches, I would like to thank each and every one of you for following our blog and other social media sites, and for buying from our Sports Car Salvage eBay store.
Your support has made many endeavors possible. We have been able to contribute to the Yellow Ribbon Fund via Ebay’s Giving Works program. Our summertime spoils added some vigor to Saturdays @ Schumann’s Roadside & Towing cruise-ins. Most recently, we were able to make Christmas happen for some who would otherwise have gotten little to nothing.
Click here to visit our Sports Car Salvage eBay store. If you are looking for items whose purchases contribute to the Yellow Ribbon Fund, look for the blue and yellow ribbon next to the eBay item title.
Special delivery!
December 11, 2011 | Posted in Shipping, Travel Stories, Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
Well, for those of you who don’t know, I’m expecting.
Expecting great things…
What kind of great things, you ask? Well, it’s a 1984 Corvette from out of state and all I had to do was let my fingers do the walking on uShip. For shorter trips, it’s nice to get out of the house and out of the area for an afternoon or so. For longer trips, well…
There’s the issue of renting a UHaul trailer. Sounds easy enough, considering that we rent from our local Uhaul quite a bit without any problems. However, I have booked reservations online, only to arrive to a destination several hours (and sometimes, several states) away just to be told, “I’m sorry, but your 2wd Dodge will just NOT haul a Corvette properly. I can’t let you rent this.” The last time this happened, I spent two hours at a Michigan Uhaul convincing two separate stores that, yes, I *have* hauled Corvettes before without any problems. They then scared up a lighter (but much OLDER and previously wrecked) auto transport with a VERY bent safety latch. (Manager had the nerve to give us attitude after receiving our honest “anonymous” review, but that is another story for another day.)
Really? REALLY? Can’t haul a Corvette? That’s how I did it three times…with a pocketful of Jack’s magic beanstalk beans. *whatever*
Then, there’s the whole food and lodging thing. I can deal with fast food every once in a while. I also don’t mind spending the night out of town every so often. However, packing for several days, eating on the road, and that sort of thing get old. I also can’t ship out any packages or do most of my other work when I’m gone. It becomes a big deal when we suddenly receive a spike in sales when we are out of town. I like getting shipments out quickly; I am not so thrilled by a huge backlog of shipments. I am not super picky about hotels, but I don’t want to choose one hotel over another for its “AWESOME continental breakfast” to find only weak coffee and carrot-raisin-nut muffins and stale bagels set out. This might have happened once or twice.
Gas is expensive, too. I know, I just heard a collective “DUH” from the audience, but hauling a trailer with a Corvette isn’t great for the gas mileage. Tolls can be pesky, too…the two extra axles from an auto transport can sometimes raise tolls by 1000%. <-- Not a typo. And if you don't believe me, cross over the George Washington Bridge with one of these in tow. I could have made a small grocery run with the money I paid for that little trip. I miss the cats when we're gone. I have three moderately spoiled cats who provide a lot of comic relief, especially when they want attention while everybody at home is busy. (Lucky for me, Spanky is asleep on a recliner as I write this post, NOT purring in my face.) Sometimes, loading and unloading cars from a trailer is not a big deal. However, the cars we pick up are not always picture perfect in somebody's garage.It's Sports Car Salvage, not OMG Shiny Perfect Sports Car Corporation. Having one with all 4 wheels pointing the same direction *and* brakes *and* runs and drives all at the same time is kinda rare. Not having to be the one primarily responsible for loading unloading these cars can be a big strain off my shoulders. Literally. Strain on the shoulders. 🙂
After a 4-state, 5-day trip earlier this year, during which we purchased another salvage car on eBay, I wasn’t in a big hurry to make the lengthy trip to pick up this Corvette in Georgia. Because the trip we had just made was as long as this trip to Georgia and back would be, I totaled up the receipts for our travel expenses. Wow….those $5 and $10 purchases start adding up after a while, around the tune of $600. So, I figured that if we could have it transported for around that amount, it would be worth it. Sure enough, a few weeks later….another Corvette in the garage without all of the travel headaches.
The cats thank me, too.
Preparing for the holidays
November 27, 2011 | Posted in Family, Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
The holiday season is upon us. We’ll still be at the garage, but will be slowing things down a bit until after the 1st of the year. (Don’t worry, Sports Car Salvage is not going ANYWHERE!)
It’s important to spend time with family this Christmas. Last year, we were faced with a family member’s battle with lung cancer, which ended on December 22nd, 2010, after contracting MRSA pneumonia. Our LilBear had come up on the morning of the 22nd from her mother’s house to stay with us for her Christmas break, and losing her grandfather was a huge blow for her.
Now that the business is growing, and we’re not dealing with any illness, death, or relocation, we can make this holiday much nicer for her. We have some trips planned on her weekend visits (like the Polar Express!) plus she will be with us for a couple of weeks until school starts back up.

We also plan on participating in some Christmas activities in the community. Some of these are our typical gift-giving to local churches for children in need and the like. Some of the others….well, those are a surprise and I can’t spill the beans yet.
But don’t fret, because we will still be active in the business. I’m aiming to do more administrative-type stuff that I can complete from my home office during that time. While digging out Christmas decorations and the like, I found some interesting miscellaneous stuff that I can list on eBay. Plus, I plan on working more on the Internet marketing side of things. Long story short, I plan on dedicating the same amount of time to the business – just focusing on different areas.
Those aren’t car parts (Other items for sale)
November 10, 2011 | Posted in Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
If you have visited our eBay store recently, you may notice that we have some items for sale that are decidedly NOT car parts. With the holidays coming up, and with many people spending less time working on their cars during the colder months, we figured we’d offer something different and new.
We at recently acquired a diverse array of Star Wars collectibles as part of a trade. These items range from action figures to books and more. Many are vintage collectibles from the 1970s and 1980s, with several of these being new-in-the-box items. We are also featuring a number of new and previously-viewed DVDs on eBay as well from a wide spectrum of genres. We always have an “Oddities” store category to cover anything that doesn’t fit anywhere else.
As with our car-related items, a number of these items are available with free shipping. We can also combine shipping on purchases of multiple items. Unless otherwise specified, we can ship our products overseas. Sign up for our eBay mailing list to get updates on promotions, sales, and new items, and feel free to search our eBay store for other items of interest! Not for $4K.
October 4, 2011 | Posted in Humor, Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
We registered as our domain earlier this year. So, a week or so ago, we got the idea to check if the similarly-named was available. I submitted an inquiry via
I received a phone call this afternoon from Amber at, wanting to follow up about my inquiry. Mind you, we had already done some homework through and it said it would cost almost $4,000 for the domain. $4,000? We are a small company and could buy multiple project cars for that kind of money.
But don’t dare explain THAT to Miss Amber.
She called and asked if I had received her email about the domain cost. I thought it may be cheaper to go through, who actually owns, but that was not the case. When I calmly explained that the domain was well out of my price range and expressed what my price range actually was, she switched from professional Ms. Jekyll to huffy Valley Girl Ms. Hyde. Her response? “Like, OOOOO-KAY, [mumble something unintelligible but sounded nasty]…*click.*”
Really? REALLY? If I got THAT worked up every time somebody wanted to buy something for much less than its list price, I would have died of a stroke by now. You’d think she was one of these indignant people on Pawn Stars who end up in a tizzy when they don’t get the offer they want. It happens when you are in the business of buying and selling…in other news, the sky is blue, the grass is green, and we all know what bears do in the woods.
Selling a 1994 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4.0 4WD on eBay
August 10, 2011 | Posted in Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
7 day eBay auction selling a 94 Jeep Cherokee
Check out our eBay auction, which will be running for the next 7 days.
The good:
Automatic transmission
Manual windows and locks
In great shape for its age inside and out
Gray cloth interior
Alloy wheels
4WD works
Has A/C but needs charged
CD player
The bad:
Needs catalytic converter and exhaust all the way back
Rusted through spring hangers
Needs tires
We are having a sale!
July 23, 2011 | Posted in Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
It’s the weekend, so that’s as good a time as any to have a sale, right? Check out our Sports Car Salvage eBay store to find featured C4 & C5 Corvette items, 1990 Mazda Miata items, and more. Side note: We do offer combined shipping and local pickup for most items – all you have to do is ask 🙂
Our RX-7 is also for sale, as well…
You can view our Craigslist ad here. It’s had some paint work done, plus a rebuilt carburetor and new gas tank. It runs and drives very well, and is an all-around good find. Thanks to the guys at Schumann’s Roadside and Towing for the awesome job.Can’t wait to get back to work after this week-long heat wave!
Extreme Makeover Ebay Edition
March 13, 2011 | Posted in Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
After making some changes to our SportsCarSalvage eBay store and terms and conditions, we decided it was time to update the listings. Not only will all of our new listings have a fresh new look, but they will also link to our updated eBay terms and conditions page.
But wait, there’s more! Check out our latest updates to the SportsCarSalvage Facebook page and our company website.
Valentine’s Day Sale
February 10, 2011 | Posted in Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
Enjoy 14% off through 2/14 at our Sports Car Salvage eBay store.
More humorous pictures and videos to come – we’ll be spending more time on the ’77 orange beast and our C5.
February 5, 2011 | Posted in Uncategorized | By fastwrecks
I posted a few days ago about our C3 1977 Corvette barn find. We took a look at the car, and were pretty sure it would run. So, we picked up a battery and a few much-needed supplies, and sure enough….
It started!
Mind you, the whole endeavor required some starting fluid and a little finger-crossing, but it started. Now, onto replacing the fuel filter and seeing what else needs to be done. This will make a great restoration project for somebody!