April 29, 2016 | Posted in:Uncategorized
I once had an empty garage bay. That was the most boring 15 minutes of my life.
In anticipation of another load of parts, I’d been making room in my incoming work area. What I ended up with was not what I was originally expecting, which was another run of Porsche 914 parts. (That’s still on my agenda, by the way)
A friend of ours wanted to consign some 1999 Chevy Blazer 4 Door parts. We got a few boxes of mirrors, lights, interior switches, some 4.3L engine parts, and all of the glass from the vehicle except for the windshield. Everything appears to be in really nice shape, and I’m still working my way through the items. We even have our own store category for it.
But wait, there’s more!
Around this same time, we found a great deal on a 1995 Honda Civic plus an extra set of wheels. We were mainly interested in the wheels, as a friend of ours who is selling a Civic wanted the upgraded set. The car runs nicely, although it has some shifting issues at the moment. It does a really nice job of going forward….The rest, not so much. I’ll take the fact that I was able to drive it into the garage as a plus. This is my next project.

A stock image of a 5th generation Honda Civic sedan.
Can you believe I used to have one just like this? This was before I had a business, a family, and animals. Somehow I don’t think I’d be too comfortable with a husband, an array of large packages, 4 goats, and a crate full of chickens in this.
Speaking of goats, I did mention an obligatory goat picture, didn’t I? Our friends have baby goats, including this cutie pie, Munchkin.

Munchkin, the bottle fed baby goat.
Welcome to Sports Car Salvage. We are a niche hobbyist sports car dismantler located in Northeast Ohio, selling parts for C4 & C5 Corvettes, Mazda Miatas, and other sports and performance cars. We also restore diamonds in the rough. Let us help you with your restoration project.
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